

Why Essential Oils?

In my last post I shared with you about our family's life-change through the past 6 months. DoTERRA essential oils have changed my family for the better and I wanted to explain why we are so passionate to share these with others (YOU)! 

When our family started seeing how these powerful oils were affecting us, I knew I couldn't help but talk about them and share them with others.  But why?  I didn't want to start a job. My husband and I are fully on board with me being a stay-at-home-mommy. So we knew it couldn't be about running our own business that would drive us.  Yet, something keeps pulling at me to keep sharing these with anyone who will listen. 

After months of thinking and praying about this being a huge heart-pull for me, I came to see that these potent life-changing oils may be a tool to build into the lives of others. I love this about the company. It is relational from the get-go. But for me, God can use this as a ministry tool.  

Think about it:
A new mom can't get her baby to calm down from screaming and feels helpless. 
There's an oil for that. 
Your friend's toddler has super-human energy and can't settle down long enough to rest. Her sleep pattern is off. 
There's an oil for that. 
Your 7 yr old nephew is having growing pains. 
There's an oil for that. 
Teenager's hormones are in full swing. 
There's an oil for that. 
Your son has trouble focusing at school. 
There's an oil for that. 
Husband has a snoring problem. 
There's an oil for that. 
You have gross toenails (it's okay to admit it). 
There's an oil for that. 
Your sister is constipated. 
There's an oil for that. 
Your dad cut his hand at work. 
There's an oil for that. 
Your ears are clogged and just plain hurt!
There's an oil for that. 
Your boss is agitated and highly stressed. Every day. 
There's an oil for that. 

The list could go on and on. Essential oils can be so helpful and really beneficial when supporting the way our body's already made to function. But we do get germs. We get hurt. We get sick. Life happens. 

But with DoTERRA's essential oils I have a first line of defense right in my home. I don't have to run to the store and get synthetic products with a little active ingredient and wonder how my body will respond, for good or for bad. 

Nope.  Instead I have our little supply of doTERRA essential oils that I run to. 

So I guess I wanted to bear my heart to you. To have you know I'm not trying to pressure someone into buying something they don't want and won't use. My heart really longs to learn more about these precious oils and how they can benefit our bodies and all kinds of things we encounter. As a family, we are trying to persue healthier living, so that we can take care of the bodies God has given us and actually enjoy life.  

That is on the basic level. 😊

But my DREAM is to use these wonderful oils in places where they might not have healthcare.  To bless others. To empower parents to care for the health of their children and families where they might have just had to previously watch them suffer unnecessarily because of lack of doctors, medicine, money. 

One drop could change someone's life. 

It has changed mine. 

If you have questions, ask below. I'd love to talk with you!  
If you'd like to look around my website, there are some great 2-3 min. videos you can watch and also explore the oils available. It is  

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