If you are a mother the days are long and the nights are short, especially if you have youngin's. There can constantly be one hundred and fifty-seven things on your to-do list and you can still find one more thing to add to that list as you rock your baby to sleep. Your mind doesn't shut down.
Even God's Word (not mine) has something to say on the subject of staying busy doing good things. Proverbs 31 is a good reference for noble things a woman can stay busy at.
As good and right are those things, what I want to address today is our heart.
Our hearts need refining. They need work. Left to themselves we would drown in our sin. So, what can we do to keep from having anger as we parent our children? What will keep us from resenting our decision to stay home, caring for an ever-demanding infant or highly energetic toddler/preschooler? How can I be joyful to see my husband and look to serve him when he walks in the door, rather than throwing the baby in his arms and running for the door? Haha!
What about you working ladies? How well do you do at respecting your boss? What do your co-workers think of your attitude at work? Are you resentful at the raise someone else got?
God wants us to draw near to Him. Our hearts will never be so "good" and "pure" that they will never need working on.
Jeremiah 17:9-10
"The heart is deceitful above all things,
Even God's Word (not mine) has something to say on the subject of staying busy doing good things. Proverbs 31 is a good reference for noble things a woman can stay busy at.
As good and right are those things, what I want to address today is our heart.
Our hearts need refining. They need work. Left to themselves we would drown in our sin. So, what can we do to keep from having anger as we parent our children? What will keep us from resenting our decision to stay home, caring for an ever-demanding infant or highly energetic toddler/preschooler? How can I be joyful to see my husband and look to serve him when he walks in the door, rather than throwing the baby in his arms and running for the door? Haha!
What about you working ladies? How well do you do at respecting your boss? What do your co-workers think of your attitude at work? Are you resentful at the raise someone else got?
God wants us to draw near to Him. Our hearts will never be so "good" and "pure" that they will never need working on.
Jeremiah 17:9-10
"The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately sick;
who can understand it?
who can understand it?
10 “I the Lord search the heart
and test the mind,
to give every man according to his ways,
according to the fruit of his deeds.”
Matthew 15:18
If we don't take care to guard our hearts, Satan will be lurking at every twist and turn of our day. I want to make it a constant pulse in my day to keep asking God to search my heart and test my mind.
How do I guard my heart?
You guard your heart by reading God's Word. Every little bit that you can absorb. Let it seep into your heart. Meditate on His Word. Pick a verse and think on it throughout your day. Memorize it. You can do it!
"But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person."
If we don't take care to guard our hearts, Satan will be lurking at every twist and turn of our day. I want to make it a constant pulse in my day to keep asking God to search my heart and test my mind.
How do I guard my heart?
You guard your heart by reading God's Word. Every little bit that you can absorb. Let it seep into your heart. Meditate on His Word. Pick a verse and think on it throughout your day. Memorize it. You can do it!
Remember... I want to be intentional in my priorities.
Thanks :)